HI!? (: it has been enough long time... I am not too busy these days, just do some homework, noonsleep *i used to call TIDUR SIANG as NOONSLEEP with my pals, took some unfinished job, and I cant stop on thinking about resolutions for 2010. I really wanna be a teacher, but I worry I cant be a good teacher. I wish I can be a mentor on UPH festive next year (:
About a couple days ago, I grapped my camera and took some photos in my room. These photos are merely silly, i just had fun :p I suddenly remember my target for being a good photographer this year. I guess it will be hard ):
tomorrow the first subject cancelled, so ill go to campus at 1 PM (: hurray! i can sleep as long as I can, 10 hours is my wish... TOMORROW, I wanna be happier than today. laughing with classmates, my attention must be focused on material of course at class, and the last but not least PRAYING!
Very pretty looking toenails...
Breath-takingly beautiful toe nail, please put up more picture of your feet Rosalina....
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