Am not the luckiest woman in this world who has every single things I want. Who wakes up with no things to do. Who never cries. Who has complete life as I wish. But I rarely place my self as someone who is unfortunate. Am soo thankful for what I hv done and reached, am never tired of trying my best. Am not a good manager in my life so that I ever did thousand mistakes. The hardest thing in my life is stop regretting many things in the past. Until this second I cant condone my self because I joined a competition which only brought horrible dream when I slept. Am scared of many things. I dont wanna lose anyone or anything in this life because they exist while my imperfections present. I sometimes ask God why I gotta have this kind of life but I never get relieved answers...
But a couple days ago, I officially became a 19 years old girl (am not ready yet to call myself as a woman). I got a surprise and I was really thankful. Many things I hv been through these days and all I feel is just tired! I just wanna be happier in my new year. nothing special wishes. Another weird thing I feel in my life is I cant wish or get obsessed in a thing because I almost never got it! what a pitty! ): OK, stop complaining. One more thing, I want my Mom to be happy as well. She is the best savior in my life after my JC! (: thanks for encouraging without asking anything in return, Mom. I love you! (:
I also gotta be thankful coz I have those people who stay and accompany me to pass the hard and happy times. I respect my friends as much as they hold our togetherness! Thanks for everything you all do! ((:
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