Avre, sorry banget ya pas kamu ultah aku masih di karantina buat MUS, jadi ak ga bisa langsung say HEPI BDAY. apalagi at the end, I disappointed many people including you because I was eliminated in the early of the grand final (: I tried to be my self kok vre, probably I am not qualified eventho I have tried my best (:
I simply wanna say
" Happy Birthday, darlinggggggggggggg! "
I wanna slightly share about who Avre is... well.. Avre is the first bestfriend in my campus life. I ever argued with her for some problems but finally we solved it by laughing. She is extremely funny and there is no day without laughing if I am with her... She speaks honestly to utter whats on her mind and she is a good dramer. She has passion in her life and she loves her Mom a lot! She does silly things and she will walk without any specific purposes which makes me LOL. hahahha... I never imagined God creates Avre to fill my days! (: I cant also imagine if there were no Avre in UPH, my life would suck without you! *duileee lagu bangettt!*
Oya vre, just FYI, this is the first post which uses Bahasa in its content loh. saking banyaknya yang pengen aku bilangin ke kamuu! ahahhaa...
She helps me in sadness, she knows me very well. I love gossiping with her, but she is a good listener, I am sure. I cant deny that I found some weaknesses in you, Vre. However, this post is dedicated to you, thus I guess I shouldnt tell about it too much hahha... people are people, we have weaknesses, but its the matter how we become thankful and maximize what we already had in this life. back to AVRE, she is a pinky girl, pinky stuff drives her crazy and I will just memandangi Avre dengan wajah yang super garing+datar..
She adores Jesus Christ and D***S. You deserves for their love, vre! (: never get tired to get your dreams because I bet you will attain it sooner or later... hahaha...
for me, you are a super bestfriend! you gotta study hard for your short semester, OK? promise me! I am so sorry I cant accompany you for 3 months. I am gonna miss you vre! (:
HAPPY BDAY, once again darlinggggggggg!
May God bless you...
bestfriend forever yaaa!
Rosalina Sariowan
hix aku terharu ros* lap ingus pake celana dalem
aku pake basa indo saja lah yaah
susah kalo harus ke google translator lagi
iya ga pa2
aku memaklumi ko
yang pntg niatnya
hiyaa aku sendirian di 3 bulan ini
aku butuh orang yang "ngetawain" aku
cuma rosa yg ketawanya lucu
thx juga ros ud mau jd temenku*pernah dgr ceritaku ttg "sancai" di UPH khn?
aku jg jd terinpirasi punya blog gr2 rosa
maaf kalo aku suka GOOOOBEEEEL yah ros
aku jga lg dlm proses mencari jati diri* jati diriku ilang di pasar pas lgi beli Toge
ga terasa ud 1 taon kita di UPH
padahal bru kmrn kita lepas highels pas nek eskalator, bru kmrn kita makan nasi bakar yang cuminya asiiiiin bgd
pkknya thx bgd ud jadi temenku
wkakkakaka.. aduh kayak gini km bilang slera humor km ilang? hahaha kok clana dlem sih vre? aduh kocak.. iya kayaknya br mgg lalu pada treak HI 3 HI 3! ahaha.. life goes so fast! (: oke vre.. gudlak UAS + SP kmu yaaa.. muach!!
ahaha.. one of sweet friendship.. hope would be lasting!!
Ha ha ha sekarang di jurusan uph fisipol kok babi aka hog aka pig aka motherfucker kok mendominasi jd ketua kenapa ngga si raja idiot retarded mental fardy maramis aja?apa sekarang babi yang mendominasi yaa hati hati makanan di fj habis christianus seran universitas indonesia ekonomi depok
Fardy maramis kontol hanya bisa ngawe aja dia tuh raja minum main cuki cewe saya tahu dia tuh raja main cuki di panti pijat tangerang saya tandai kalian semua kalian musuh saya kalian dulu hina saya autis bangsat biadab lihat saja nanti kita bersaing di dunia kerja kalau berani bilang ke fardy dkk saya tantangin di ui yaa kita bunuh kalian cuki
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