Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I ♥ XII IPS intensive !

Tomorrow is the last day of school, it can be called it. Coz tomorrow is gonna be the last school's exam and nothing activity to do after that. Tomorrow after doing the LAST exam I planned to get some picture of my school especially XII IPS intensive class where I have been studying and laughing, feeling sad and happy forth with ^^ Ill never forget this class, really!

2 years are probably fast moment and its like I just entered JBS:p I had passed a lot of things there, bittersweet memories. Now, I am really hoping ill pass the government's examination, I cant sleep when I remember this matter): not only me, but also I hope all of my friends will pass ^^

I am not typical of person who is able to utter my message in right way, so I wanna say these to you all, I hope you are reading this post ^^

ariel : makasi y ud sms2in jwban pas UN n moment2 laena pas ul hahha.. gudluck riel (: jgn suka nyolot lg ye hahhaha galak gada yg mau lo ntr:p
jasmine : makasi tisu2na whahha ngbntu bgd pas pilek meler2, klo gada g lap ingus g pake baju d:p tag2in d lee min ho teteph yee baek dehh jasmine (TEA)...
diana : ARGH! whahha baek la lu bingung g mau blg ap, ntr d PH ktmu lg jg. bosen di! ga deee cndaa..
cindy : suka heboh ni lucu lu cin, jgn lupain g yeee hahha
mely : gudluck kuliah yaa(: tekkerr, ga lupa g ma felice hahhaha
pam2 : diet pam! OK? big isnt beautiful ):
sally : futsal cihuii! muahh! saiang sally dahh.. makasi bgdbgd pas mandarin, satu taon ga bljr g nyntek lu molo.. makasi saiangg hahha
kzia : hahha bingung blg ap. hidup kezia! maap ya klo ad sala kyna pas d medan ad sala g ma luu hehhe dimaapin yaa(gaje bgd g)
jeffry, davin, brianto, nico : org2 cantik d kls intensif... haha jgn lupain g yaa hahhaha
anggie : SARAP lu! makasi ya ud ngtur2 buat fto yearbuk, ampe naek bajaj sgala. muahhh! jgn lupain g nggie. jgn suka treak2 ky gila lg OK?:p
c kembar : akirna satu taon sklas ga sia2. g bs bedain mana sheila mana sheily hahahha pinter kn g??? (:
michele : suarana ampe kpn melingking chele? hahha gpp lucu tp. makasi ya dah ngajar2in klo mau ul...
monica : muah! saiang cinta deh akiuu hahhaa.. jgn suka esmosi mon, jgn lupa g palagi. ud msuk uniprep (bner ga c namana?) ntr g dilupain lg whahha srg2 jalan breng tetep yaa^^
melo : jaejoong! hero jaejoong pny g! jgn ambil2 luu hahaha makasi ya meloo.. hheehe
angieKU : whahhaa tmn suka salting c angie, ckep2 suka salting gmna c ckck makasi ya ngie hahhaha
juni : heh! ga pny temen! whahha dsar.. jgn suka bkn contekan jun, insaff hehe muahh!
melisa : kita ud ga coaching lg mel, c cholid psti kgn kitaa hahha gada yg suka treak2 lg c:p btw kita srg ngob gr2 coaching brg kn haha gudluck mel college ntr:(
LV : bingung g ngo ap ma lu. bnyk c. jgn suka2 treak2 jgn suka ktwa ga nyntaii whaha klo ktwa ky gempa bkin pusing. whaha ckep2 ky gorila klo ktwa==
andjani : rmbut krting alami lu g suka hwhha g pny 2 temen yg kriting alami bgs gt, lu ma tmn smp g. ga bakal lupa d g hahha klo ad sala maap ya jan.. muah!
PICI : I LOP U! TE.O.PE! whahhaha the best friend from among dah cumu cumi cimi.. tmn dalam suka dan duka, plg stia baek lucu konyol kocak lalallala.. i lop u anakku! mami saiang cumu^^ btw jgn sedih y cum. condolence skali lg, but remember, what has happened thats the best from GOD. MUAHH!
SILVY : saiang km jg silsil. ntr ud d monash tetep keep calling contact smwa dahh hahhaha... I LOP U! kgn bgd sil): da lama ag ktmu pdhal cm beda satu lantaii, cpt2 slese exam k bandung yukayukk(:
anak2 yg pas UN ma UAS dkt dudukna ma g : makasi ya cntekanaa.. impas dee hahha

GEE! I guess this post is the longest from all of my post before. hahaha. I really hope u all will get better education then, dont forget me (: SMOOCH!~

rosalina (:

NB : I created this post it seems like I will go to heaven:p hahha I just cant fall asleep and suddenly I remember my lovely class SO....

1 comment:

an9iee said...

terzanKU !
tq for all the memories we had for this last 2 years
muaaah !